Thursday, October 26, 2006

Getting settled

It's starting to feel like a home. I still have that unnerving sense that I'm lost when the lights are off at night, but at least the house is functional.

Molly loves the stairs as much as I imagined.

She chases toys from the top floor to the basement. I shuttle them back upstairs about 5 times a day, and that's on a work day.

The stairs help her access sweaters put in otherwise inconvenient places.

(I realize that the number of cat pictures I post is ridiculous. You don't want to know how many I take and don't blish).

She and Ben have slap fights from the top steps every night. They're doing again right now.
(I dig Ben's hair flip in this picture)

She also learned to play fetch with her toys, but she's usually only in the mood right after I go to bed, and right after I feed her in the morning (when I have the least energy). She's lost weight and is definitely building more muscle.

Have I mentioned how great my oven light is???

Finally a good seasonal meal. Roasted garlic rosemary pork loin (I'm putting leftovers into a baked sandwich loaf tonight) with yellow and purple fingerling potatoes and sweet acorn squash.

We got dumped with slushy wet snow today. Perfect night for hot baked food and more Battlestar Galactica on DVD.

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