Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Trimester Musings: Acceptance

(Written mid October 2009)

I've had a strange disconnect between having a baby and being pregnant.  I just feel pregnant, like it's a temporary disease that's giving me weird symptoms and will eventually go away.  I'm adament about not looking at baby products or baby advice or baby names.  After two weeks of excitement, I turned all my books and pamphlets from the OB facedown.  For some reason I don't want to see the work "pregnant" around the house.

I was watching some old Muppet videos on Youtube.  The thought came to me, that I frequently have thought, that I should be sure that when we eventually have kids, they watch some Muppets because Muppets are awesome.  Then I had an epiipheny - this wasn't some far off prediction.  There was a kid in my belly RIGHT NOW.  She/He will be the one that I encourage to watch Muppets.  Right there with me now in this room.  I kind of freaked out in a major way.

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