Sunday, December 08, 2013

Haul out the Holly . . . and the popsicles

Auditions have been pushed back AGAIN.  Friday school was cancelled due to cold temperatures.  I guess -23 wind chill is pretty cold.  Whatever.

In a way it was nice, because I had tons of time to clean my house and put out goodies for Babypalooza!  Our friends Trevor and Cate were visiting from Boston with their new girl Maggie.  She was born within a few weeks of Sam, like many babies I'm finding out.  They wanted to get together with all their old friends who had young ones and we volunteered to host.  It was wild with all the creepers and cooers, but so fun.  Bonus about having parties with friends who are parents - everyone left by 9:45 and they all cleaned up after themselves!  It was the easiest party I've ever had.

We dedicated one moment to taking pictures, and it was no small feat.

The mommies:

 Novline and baby McKayla, Jessica and baby Petra (for Petrachor), Cate and baby Maggie (for Margaret), Rachel with Jack and Sam (for Samwise), Libby and baby Wyatt

(the middle three babies all born within a month of each other)

 The daddies:

Neil and McKayla, Josh and Petra, Trevor and Maggie, Ben and Sam and Jack, Brian and Xavier, Stephen and Wyatt.

Saturday was crazy fun and busy.  Ben took Jack to the Apex jungle gym after breakfast so I had time cuddle and play with Sam.  Then we went downtown to visit with Trev and Cate some more.  Amanda watched the boys while we had a wonderful date at Bonefish, then I stayed up too late to make an appearance at another holiday party.  How I miss my friends!  I'm trying to host another one this coming weekend so I can spend more time catching up with everyone.

Before our date we made a stop at the mall for an important task.  Can you guess who Jack spied coming back from break?



He was bounded up to Santa with a springing skip so fast I didn't have my camera focused.  But you can see him tick off his wish list right away.



I think here he was asked whether he had been a good boy.  That was a real thinker. 




He told Santa "Happy Christmas" then bounded back to Dad.  So adorable.


We had such a fun couple days I thought it was all sugarplums and jolly and ho ho ho for the season.  But Jack woke up this morning with a stomach virus.  Egads. Give. Me. A. Break.

I think he's better.  He went from 9 vomits in the morning to only 2 after nap.  He was keeping water down, a popsicle, some crackers, and asking for more food when we put him to bed.  I told him no, to not push his stomach.  I hope he feels better tomorrow.  It makes babysitting difficult.  Auditions are now pushed to Monday/Tuesday.  It will be a Christmas miracle if they happen and everyone stays healthy for one solid week. 

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