The weather flipped from the sunny zoo trip yesterday, to a blizzard today. All schools were closed along with my Zumba class at the Apex Center :-( At least the official closure dismissed my guilt about sleeping late (8:20!) and not wanting to drag the kids out in the snowy streets.
I did my best to keep the boys entertained without going anywhere. Ben planned for a snow day and worked from home. Best of all, we didn't lose power! The snow was very wet and heavy and there were strong winds. I saw on the Xcel website that there were many outages in our area. Woohoo for us!
Extra pajama time after breakfast, because why not?
I built them a fort. I don't think they appreciated how dope a fort I made.
This was in the morning, before it got super heavy.
I'm glad I keep a well stocked baking pantry. I made a loaf of garlic bread from scratch for dinner, and the boys helped me make cookies with chocolate chips, pretzels, and caramel chunks. (The first pic is a high five in progress)
Before naptime they bundled up to play.
Me keeping a safe watch from inside.
Ben heard a big galumph and was surprised to see Jem crash down into the basement window well next to his desk. Jack helped make a rescue.
After spaghetti dinner and cookie dessert, the roads were cleared fairly well and the snow finally stopped. We all went to Target for this and that and to stretch our legs. I hope I can make up that gym visit and get the guys some indoor playground action tomorrow. I bought some paint crafts and boiled eggs for dying too. Oh, spring break. Why are you so long?