Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Wish List

Although I'm still uncomfortable writing wish lists, I get the feeling it's helpful for others. Here's a few things I wouldn't mind having in my life:

LoTR Return of the King !extended edition!
A pretty comforter that matches my bedroom, not too feminine
Thread and thread rack
"England Made Me" album by Black Box Recorder
A real ironing board with a nice pad
A ballet DVD (like Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty or something)
Red Octane 2.0 Ignition DDR pad (just one, with foam insert, unfortunately expensive)
Candles. Lots of pillar candles.
A melon baller
My Fair Lady DVD
The Red Shoes-Criterion Collection
Edward Scissorhands DVD
Sweaters are always nice, so are gift cards to Home Depot and Target
Serving things (platter, big spoon and fork, etc)
Knife sharpener

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