Friday, April 01, 2005

Word Wars

I watched an interesting documentary with Ben and Brian last night. It's called "Word Wars" and it's about the Scrabble championships. If you like Spellbound and Trekkies, you'll like
Word Wars. It's a bit like Spellbound for adults. (Note: one contestant is rather found of foul language, so it's not a movie to watch with kids.) These people are so obsessed with Scrabble, most of them don't have jobs, they just play all day and hope to win money at tournaments. Not only is the subject matter interesting, but the documentary is very well edited and directed. You really get to know the community of Scrabble. You recognize the players. There's clever title cards and informative sequences, like the final match, which is cleverly shown play-by-play. The movie dances along at a nice pace. My favorite player has to be G.I. Joel. Joel has a lot of G.I. problems. It's hilarious.

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