** means be sure to click on the pictures for glorious enlarged details.
On the second day of the big blizzard we said "to heck with this!, " chained up the car, drugged up the cat, and skirted off to Grand Junction to jumpstart vacation.
**the small red sign say "No Parking, snow storage area, you will be towed or buried"
Dad and Amanda made two kinds of nut brittle
Mom and I painted the study
Andy did his mac thing
This brittle was devine
Christmas eve carols
and cat picture outtakes! I love that only me and Amanda are looking in the same direction out of all six of us.
We kids got dad a rc airplane. After a couple days the snow melted enough to give it a whirl
And dad loved Andy's wii almost as much as Andy. He got his own recently - and so did we! I mean wii!
Dad whaled Andy on both tennis and boxing
Addison is getting cuter everyday! Read about Kristin's family on her site.
All three Waterhouse kids teethed on this Sesame Street finger puppet.
There was a bonfire party at the Graves house. Ben was in heaven with their dogs
Later in the trip we were able to give the plane a proper run. I think it took two trips to the hobby shop to replace parts, but we had a great time flying.
**Love mom's face in this shot
**zoom in to see Dad watch his plane take a nose dive! This was a hilarious lucky shot.
Mom and dad have a fantastic aquarium in their office. These shrimp are fun to watch
At the end we had a beautiful drive back over the mountains.
We left later than planned because of more snow on the front range. I was spoiled with presents, got to see a lot of friends and family, and came back thoroughly relaxed. Merry Christmas.