Friday, January 23, 2009

Doughnut recipe

A recipe for making doughnuts from a patient who clearly uses meth and introduces herself, "Hi, I'm _____. I have bipolar. And I'm suicidal."

"You take a can of biscuits and cut out the centers with a ketchup bottle cap, you know, to make the little hole. Fry it up in a lot of oil and then roll it in a lot of sugar. Mmmm."

I thought that was a clever little recipe. Seems like something Joy from My Name is Earl would make. On second thought, maybe it's more of a Randy recipe.


Carl said...

They're AWESOME! We make these camping all the time because they are easy to do over a fire (just don't spill the lava hot oil in the fire... On second thought, do, just stand back). mmm... biscuit doughnuts....

eaumaison said...

whoa, I can't believe someone I know has made these. They seem like a lot of work for . . . questionable results.

Carl said...

oh, you just try them my friend... mmm. Although, keep in mind that every time I make them, I haven't really eaten real food for a while... Just food for thought (ar ar).