Sunday, February 05, 2006

More Weekend

Measily pictures from my phone camera, but for low resolution in a dark dark place, what do you expect? These are from the dance club I'm always talking about, Lipgloss. I've wrangled more friends into going with me, and I think they're hooked. I look forward to more weekends of feverish shaking to music.

Also went to the Pacific Ocean Market and Viet Hoa again. I bought a few things that weren't on my list because I couldn't pass them up. A bunch of basil for $1, in the middle of winter?!! Crazy good deal. This week we'll be enjoying more international cuisine, from Africa, India, Thailand, China, Italy, and France. What I love about Bittman's book is how accessible he makes the exotic dishes. Now I've picked up my older foreign cookbooks, and the task seems easier. Bittman breaks the ice. It's exciting to understand the ingrediants better and realize how common cooking techniques are worldwide. Nothing is difficult, just different. (Lets see if my tune changes when I tackle foo foo this week.)

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