Saturday, May 27, 2006

Recital is getting close

We're down to the last week of rehearsals for the ballet. I've been taking more classes (sometimes 3 a week) and helping with rehearsals Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. This school has amazing volunteers. The sets and costumes are so detailed and well designed. It's such a nice alternative to the typical scratchy spandex costumes ordered from catelogs and reused for years on end. The sets are designed and made by parents who work in carpentry and design. I should get a DVD of the show, but also I plan to video tape dress rehearsal and post clips online.

Brian premiered his film The Unwritten Rule, and it sparked interest in making films again. We've recorded commentary tracks for that film, some Movie Saturdays, and the Red King. We were watching the Red King for the first time in 5 years. We were so much skinnier back then! Surprisingly, the movie wasn't that bad. In fact, it was a lot funnier and campier than I remembered. It was sort of what you'd call good!

We in discussion for shooting a film this July. One project to the next. That's how I like it :-)

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