Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Waxy pointed out a hilarious out-of-context list from a Grand Theft Auto forum on in-game girlfriends. Ben plays GTA for hours every night. Maybe I should write my own girlfriend list so he doesn't get confused.


Good Advice From
a Grand Theft Auto
Dating FAQ.


- - - -

[I]f you kill a girl through abuse, she will no longer be your girlfriend.

The main reason to date a girl ... is to get stuff from her.

If you raise your relationship level with a girl to 100% you'll be given a special outfit.

You can date more than one girl at once, and as far as I know, your other girlfriends won't mind if you pick up another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This points of advice refer to GTA san andreas. The girlfriend system is quite different in GTA IV. Also, I couldn't stand it in either game :-)