Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tying it old school

Miranda beat me to jumping on the friendship bracelet revival that's happening in the online fashion/craft community.  But she forgot that the best way to make them is safety-pinned to your jeans.  That way when you stand up to get another Capri Sun, you can go back to knotting while watching Duck Tales in a different place because your kid brother took your spot on the couch.  

For my first bracelet I picked the most nostalgic color combination I could.  I remember thinking one day in the second grade "Gosh, I can't go wrong pairing pink and teal!" Lavender and cornflower round out the set.

I hoard craft supplies.  This is my original box of embroidery thread from 20 years ago.  Note the fancy-pants ombre and glitter threads in the upper left boxes.  I believed those cost 1.49 each, THREE times the normal cost of embroidery thread in the early nineties.  I saved them for special occasion bracelets.

I've made five bracelets over the last few days.  They are quick and colorful.  Wish I could wear them all summer until the break off.  But I'd rather not risk getting blood on them at work. 


Miranda said...

Ha! I love it. I got my embroidery floss from my EXACT SAME organizer from, what...6th grade?

Believe it or not, I cannot find a single safety pin in this house. Thus the clipboard. Plus it makes it handy for slipping into my purse.

chitarita said...

I had two (fleeting, I promise!) moments of sibling jealousy -

One when I thought that the embroidery floss was actually my embroidery floss collection

and Two when I read about said little brother and I thought you got to hang out with Andy and Jenn in GJ this weekend.

I'm only somewhat heartened to realize neither is the case.

April said...

I have the exact same set up of my embroidery floss!! It is so funny to see... :)