After so many pre-Halloween activities, I had to do some work to make the day festive for Jack. Why not start with orange colored milk and a cupcake?

Sam needed to be pictured in this "My first Halloween" bib, even though he has no use for a bib at this point.
Jack loved the little Google game they posted on their home search page.

Here's a great series of our pumpkin carving experience.
"Yay, Mom! Pumpkins!"

"What am I going to do with these spoons?"

"Ehhh, it's yucky. I don't like it."

"No! No! No! You do it for me."

I wouldn't force him to scoop, but he kept asking what he could do to help. I came up with the idea to have him design the pumpkin faces for me to copy. He happily agreed (lucky for me) and I pulled out these cut-outs I made earlier this month.

Then there was napping by both boys.

An early dinner of Mummy Hot Dogs and Hulk Juice.

Then Wolfie and his family met us to go trick-or-treating.

It was blustery and chilly tonight. The boys were done long before Ben would have liked, but plenty long for three year olds. They came back to play games and watch Toy Story Terror at the house while eating gobs of candy. A pretty good Halloween if I may say so myself.