Saturday, July 24, 2010

Visiting the Grands

I needed a change of scenery.  I packed up Jack and forty times his weight in burp rags and onesies, and took off over the mountains to mooch off my folks for a couple days. 

Stopping to nurse on Vail Summit.  How beautiful!

Caught Grandpa Will at work.  Got to help with dictation, mostly by staring at the power cord in the corner.

His first time swimming with Grandma Susan.  We swam three times during the trip.  Each time he was fairly sleepy and this was the most reaction we got.  Maybe when we come back in August if we catch him after a nap he'll give it some smiles. 

I had hands-free time to relax.

We took Jack shopping downtown and found some fabulous legwarmers, sunglasses, and of course the infamous mobile.

Grandpa Rick even came by to get some Jack time.  The lure of Jack is powerful.

Not pictured: the giant box of apricots that we turned into jam.

1 comment:

chitarita said...

Love the picture of him in sunglasses and leg warmers!